To add or edit content on the site, go to the admin page at
- Click on the “Members” link in the top menu bar, or direct your browser to (Alternately go to, which redirects to the same page.)
- Your username is your first initial followed by your last name, (e.g., `jsullivan`).
- For your first login, the default password is the first initial of your last name followed by your first name, (e.g., `sjohn`).
If you are having trouble logging on, don’t have a user account set up yet, or have other issues with the site, contact Marcelo Wanderley or John Sullivan.
NOTE: The internal WordPress mail server is disabled for the site, so the “Lost your password” link on the login page is not functional. If you have lost your password, email Marcelo Wanderley or John Sullivan to reset it for you.
ToDos for IDMIL members:
This section pertains to your actual WordPress user account information, where your login credentials and other administrative settings are.
- From the admin page left sidebar, go to ‘Users’ and ‘Your Profile’.
- The first time you log in, change your password to something secure: scroll down to ‘New Password’ and click on Generate Password. You can keep the automatically generated password or create your own.
- Update any additional fields as necessary.
The People page is your own biographical page that is shown on the site and listed at
- To create new: From admin page, go to ‘People’ and ‘Add New’ and fill in appropriate fields.
- Upload and set ‘Featured Image’ for your profile photo.
- Projects and Publications can be selected in the appropriate fields. Note that these have to be added first (per the instructions below) and publications must have you listed as an author to be associated on your People page.
- Add projects you are involved with, and link them to your People page.
- To create, go to ‘Projects’ and ‘Add New’
- Add ‘Featured Image’ for the project. Important: to preserve uniform formatting on the front page, please use an image with a square (1×1) aspect ratio.
- Note that there is there is a place to embed a video on your page. If you have more than one video you can add them in the project description space.
- Add publications that you have (co-)authored, and link them to your page.
- To create, go to ‘Publications’ and ‘Add New’.
- Fill in appropriate fields.
- For ‘Document URL’ you can link to an external source of the .pdf, or upload your .pdf using the ‘Media’ item in the admin menu.
Adding new content and general site maintenance
In addition to adding your own personal content as described above, you are also encouraged to contribute news items and other content to the site. You can do this on your own by creating a new Post from the left sidebar on the admin page. If you are unfamiliar with the WordPress interface, there are many quick resources online to get you started.
As this new IDMIL site is still young, please help maintain the site by letting me know (via email) if you see anything that is not working, out of place, or needs improving. Alternatively, you can add or comment on issues at the site repository on GitLab.
The former IDMIL site is still active at We continue to assess how best to bridge the two sites, both by transferring primary content from old to new and maintaining (and remapping) active links to archived content on the older site. If you come across external links to the old IDMIL site that are broken, let us know and we will fix them.