Ph.D. Researcher (alumni)
. Bachelors of Computer Science – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (CIn/UFPE) –
. Masters of Computer Science – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (CIn/UFPE) – 2013
Research Areas:
- Barbosa, J., Wanderley, M. M., Huot, S. (2017). Exploring Playfulness in NIME Design: The Case of Live Looping Tools. In Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2017) (pp. 87-93). Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Barbosa, J., Malloch, J., Huot, S., Wanderley, M. M. (2015). What does ‘Evaluation’ mean for the NIME community?. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2015). Baton Rouge, LA, USA.
- Barbosa, J., Wanderley, M. M., Huot, S. (2018). ZenStates: Easy-to-Understand yet Expressive Specifications for Creative Interactive Environments. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing. IEEE.Lisbon, Portugal.
- Barbosa, J. (2019). Direct Manipulation for Musical Interfaces Based on Visual Software: Design and Evaluation. In Ph.D. Thesis, McGill University (pp. 241). Montreal, Canada.