Ph.D. Researcher (alumni)
With a background in electrical and computer engineering, Johnty is working on sensor interfaces and mapping tools for digital musical instruments. He is supported by an NSERC Industrial Innovation Scholarship in collaboration with Infusion Systems, makers of the I-CubeX sensors.
Résumé – CV – Projects Portfolio
Research Areas:
- Communication Protocols
- Embedded Systems
- Hardware Development
- Interface Design
- Mapping
- Sensors
- Software Development
- Wang, J., Pritchard, B., Nixon, B., Wanderley, M. M. (2017). Explorations with Digital Control of MIDI-enabled Pipe Organs. In Sound and Music Computing.
- Wang, J., Malloch, J., Huot, S., Chevalier, F., Wanderley, M. M. (2017). Versioning and Annotation Support for Collaborative Mapping Design. In Sound and Music Computing.
- Nieva, A., Wang, J., Malloch, J., Wanderley, M. M. (2018). The T-Stick: Maintaining a 12 year-old digital musical instrument. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2018) (pp. 198–199). Blacksburg, VA, USA.
- Meneses, E., Wang, J., Freire, S., Wanderley, M. M. (2019). A Comparison of Open-Source Linux Frameworks for an Augmented Musical Instrument Implementation. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2019). Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Wang, J., Mulder, A., Wanderley, M. M. (2019). Practical Considerations for MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy as a Wireless Interface. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2019). Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- Wang, J., Malloch, J., Sinclair, S., Wilansky, J., Krajeski, A., Marcelo Wanderley, a. M. (2019). Webmapper: A Tool for Visualizing and Manipulating Mappings in Digital Musical Instruments. In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR). Marseille, France.
- Wang, J., Meneses, E., Wanderley, M. M. (2020). The Scalability of WiFi for Mobile Embedded Sensor Interfaces. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2020). Birmingham, U.K..
- Calegario, F., Tragtenberg, J., Wang, J., Franco, I., Meneses, E. A. L., Wanderley, M. M. (2020). Open Source DMIs: towards a replication certification for online shared projects of digital musical instruments. In Proc. of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII) (pp. 14). Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Calegario, F., Wanderley, M., Tragtenberg, J., Wang, J., Sullivan, J., Meneses, E., Franco, I., Kirkegaard, M., Bredholt, M., Rohs, J. (2020). Probatio 1.0: collaborative development of a toolkit for functional DMI prototypes. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2020) (pp. 6). Birmingham, UK.
- Verdugo, F., Kokubu, S., Wang, J., Wanderley, M. M. (2020). MappEMG: Supporting Musical Expression with Vibrotactile Feedback by Capturing Gestural Features through Electromyography. In Proc. of the International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (HAID). Montreal, Canada.
- Santos, G., Wang, J., Medeiros, C., Wanderley, M. M., Tavares, T., Rocha, A. (2021). Comparative Latency Analysis of Optical and Inertial Motion Capture Systems for Gestural Analysis and Musical Performance. In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2021). Shanghai, China.
- Boettcher, B., Malloch, J., Wang, J., Wanderley, M. M. (2022). Mapper4Live: Using Control Structures to Embed Complex Mapping Tools into Ableton Live. In New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2022.
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