Masters Student (alumni)
Academic Background
B.Sc. (Music / Computer Science) – University of Victoria (Canada) – 2012
MA Candidate (Music Technology)- McGill University (Canada) – 2014
Past Projects
Mistify: Dynamically Recreating Xenakis’ Mists. Paper at CIM 2014. (paper).
Musical Mapping of Two-Dimensional Touch-Based Interfaces. MA Thesis. Info is here.
A High-Level Review of Mappings in Musical iOS Applications. Poster at SMC/ICMC 2014. Raw data is here.
Empirical Analysis of Track Selection and Ordering in Electronic Dance Music Using Audio Feature Extraction – poster presented at ISMIR 2013. (proceedings, paper)
An Overview of Musical Mappings for iOS Applications – paper presented at SMC 2013. (proceedings, paper)
The Feminest: Inferring the gender of bands from text data. Made at Tufts Hack Day, 2013.
Elvis by Elvis – performance with Ryan Groves, at ISMIR 2013
Tetris-Remix: Generative music using Tetris Attack. Made at MIT Hacking Arts, 2013.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Beethoven: Algorithmic composition meets music criticism.
Leap Re Mi: Solfege sign synthesis. Made at McGill Music Hack Day, 2013
The Ultimate Machine: Self-referential, text-based algorithmic composition. Made at Boston Music Hack Day, 2012
The Tonnetz – Building a working, cylindrical tonnetz for MUMT 619.
TimbreSurf: Controlling concatenative synthesis with a Kinect, Echo Nest Remix, and ChucK. MUMT 620 class project, 2012
How To DJ Properly: Track ordering driven by heuristics from the BBC’s Essential Mix. CSC 475 class project, 2011
Kinduct: ‘Conducting’ using a Kinect. UVic Music Hack Day, 2011
instantmusicvideo: Mash up SoundCloud audio and Vimeo / YouTube video. Summer hack, 2010.
Research Areas:
- Kell, T. (2014). Musical Mapping of Two-Dimensional Touch-Based Control Layouts. In M.A. Thesis, McGill University. Montreal, Canada.
- Kell, T., Wanderley, M. M. (2014). A High-Level Review of Mappings in Musical iOS Applications. In Proceedings of the Joint 2014 International Computer Music Conference/Sound and Music Computing Conference (ICMC/SMC). Athens, Greece.
- Email: thor@tide-pool.ca