This project aims at applying movement reconstruction tools from EPFL (Prioritized Inverse Kinematics) to the reconstruction of movements of musicians playing musical instruments, based on the IDMIL experience on musician’s movement analysis (mostly clarinetists).
We explore the idea of using a minimal number of 3 D markers (typically six, located on the instrument (2), the head, and the right shoulder / hip / knee, all placed on the same side of the body) to reconstruct full 3D movement of an avatar. A set of various constraints was applied to the avatar posture and these constraints were associated to a priority level.
The DIST laboratory (University of Genoa) participates in this project by qualitatively analysing the recovered movements and providing feedback for improved reconstructions.
The goal is to explore the believeability of the recovered motion, by non-experts and by expert musicians.
IDMIL Participants:
External Participants:
Ronan Boulic, Benoit LeCallennec, Bruno Herbelin (EPFL, Switzerland)
Manuel Peinado (University of AlcalĂ , Spain)
Barbara Mazzarino, Govanna Varni (DIST, University of Genova, Italy)
Research Areas: