NIME03-Related Material
Here are several PDFs with material related to the 2nd International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), which took place on May 22 – 24, 2003, at McGill University, Montréal, Qc, Canada.
The conference was organized by Marcelo M. Wanderley (Conference chair), Philippe Depalle (Papers chair), D’Arcy Philip Gray (Concert coordinator), Sean Ferguson, Ichiro Fujinaga, Richard McKenzie (Technical coordinator) and the late Louise Ostiguy (Administrative coordinator). Michael J. Lyons was NIME03’s industrial liaison organizer.
We had tremendous help from several students (at that time!): Rob Ferguson, Wes Hatch, Neil Middleton, Eileen Tencate, François Thibault (proceedings coordinator), Adam Tindale and Philippe Zaborowski.
These files consist of Program Notes for the two concerts with selected pieces by the NIME03 Artistic Committee (Butch Rovan, coordinator, Teresa Marrin Nakra, Atau Tanaka and Todd Winkler). Full concert notes are available for May 23 and for May 24.
Here is the Special Events Program describing the “off-NIME” events in the afternoons (after the paper & demo sessions and before the concerts).
And another file with Concert Details (in French).
The NIME03 t-shirts. The black one was given to conference attendees upon registration. Conference organizers wore the purple one during the event.
Videos of some of these events will be uploaded to the IDMIL Youtube channel soon.
An article about NIME03, by Pauline Gravel, was published in the newspaper Le Devoir (on May 17, 2003) and is available from their website (in French).
NIME03 Keynotes:
Claude Cadoz’s keynote, given on Friday, May 23, 2003, is also available (in eight parts).
Michel Waisvisz’s keynote, given on Saturday, May 24, 2003, is already available (in six parts).
Unfortunately, no video was made of Joe Paradiso’s NIME03 keynote on May 22, 2003. But another talk by Joe at CIRMMT, McGill University, given a few years later (2010), is available here.
IDMIL Participants:
Research Areas: